Mobile apps
ADR tunnels and Services
ADR tunnels and Services is an application helpful to those who need quick and easy access to information about dangerous goods included in ADR Regulations (by road). This application is a quick reference tool that can be used everywhere and at any time, and meet the needs of those engaged in tank carriage or other carriages (ex. in packages) of dangerous goods. It provides reliable and complete information about the restrictions for passages through tunnels, the contents of the ADR bag required for what you transport, and the hazard Identification number (Kemler number) that you must enter on – the orange-colored plates attached outside the transport unit. This application does not display the tunnel restriction codes, whose meaning may be unclear, but it shows the codes of tunnels you can pass. Based on the information entered by the user, the application can manage and develop information if the carrier transports only one, two, or more dangerous goods or dangerous goods in a limited quantity.
– the calculation;
– the correct ADR equipment;
– the tunnel restriction codes;
– the Kemler number.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the ADR Tunnels and Services app like the one shown here. For more information, click here.

UN TRANSLATE is an application that will allow you to display all UN Numbers and the corresponding Proper Shipping Names (PSN) as shown in ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations in 4 different languages (English, French, Spanish, and German). If you know the UN Number of your goods but don’t know the PSN, write the UN Number and the app will display the corresponding PSN. On the contrary, if you know the PSN of your goods but don’t know the UN Number, write the PSN, and the app will display the corresponding UN Number.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the UN Translate app like the one shown here. For more information, click here.

BIO HAZ MAT – All you need to know to ship Infectious substances of Class 6.2
BIO HAZMAT is an application that, through guided steps, will allow you to prepare your shipment of infectious substance Category A UN2814 (Infectious substances affecting humans) or UN2900 (Infectious substances affecting animals), Biological Substance Category B UN3373, exempt human specimen, exempt animal specimen and not infectious biological material, following the requirements of ADR Regulations (by road) and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations (by air). If you cannot classify your biological material, the application will guide you through easy questions, and it will give you all the information you need to ship your goods. For example, if you don’t know how to send a sample infected or perhaps infected with Ebola, this application will help you choose the correct UN number and prepare the shipment. If you have already classified the goods, you can directly access the information for transportation without making the classification. It provides information about shipment without refrigerant, shipment whit dry ice (UN1845 – DRY ICE), or shipment with any refrigerant other than liquid nitrogen and dry ice. This application provides a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in all required documents, and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use. Once downloaded, you can use the app offline everywhere and anytime.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the BIO HAZMAT app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

LITHIUM BATTERIES UN3090, UN3091, UN3480 and UN3481
Lithium Batteries is a mobile app that, through guided choices, will allow you to prepare your shipment by road and by air of Lithium Batteries, following the requirements of the ADR IMDG and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations. It provides information about the shipment of lithium-ion or metal batteries and helps you identify the proper classification of the battery that you have to ship. This app gives a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in all required documents (ADR transport document, Shipper’s Declaration, and AWB), and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the Lithium Battery app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

UN1263 – PAINT is a mobile app that, through guided choices, will allow you to prepare your shipment of UN1263 – PAINT Packing Group I, II, and III following the requirements of the ADR IMDG and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations. It provides information about the shipment in limited quantity or excepted quantity of paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish classified as UN1263. It also gives info about fully regulated dangerous goods packed in combination packagings or single packagings; in case of shipment by air ICAO-TI/IATA, the app shows information for shipping by Passenger Aircraft or Cargo Aircraft Only. This app provides a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in the required documents (ADR transport document, Multimodal, Shipper’s Declaration, and AWB), and defining the maximum quantity permitted by the Regulation of the mode of transport you want to use.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the UN1263 PAINT app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

UN1266 – PERFUMERY PRODUCTS is an application that, through guided steps, allows you to prepare your shipment of UN1266 – PERFUMERY PRODUCTS Packing Group II or III following the requirements of ADR Regulations (by road), IMDG (by sea), and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations (by air). It provides information about the shipment of UN1266 Perfumery Products in excepted quantity, in limited quantites, or as fully regulated dangerous goods packed in combination packagings or single packagings. In case of shipment by air ICAO-TI/IATA, the app shows information for shipment by Passenger Aircraft and shipment by Cargo Aircraft Only. This application provides a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in all required documents, and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use. Once downloaded, you can use the app offline everywhere and anytime.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the UN1266 PERFUMERY PRODUCTS app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

UN1866 – RESIN SOLUTION is an application that, through guided steps, will allow you to prepare your shipment of UN1866 – RESIN SOLUTION Packing Group I, II, III following the requirements of ADR Regulations (by road), IMDG (by sea), and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations (by air). It provides information about the shipment of UN1866 RESIN SOLUTION in excepted quantity, limited quantity or as fully regulated dangerous goods packed in combination packagings or single packagings. In case of shipment by air ICAO-TI/IATA the app shows information for shipment by Passenger Aircraft and shipment by Cargo Aircraft Only. This application provides a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in all required documents, and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the UN1866 – RESIN SOLUTION logo app, like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE is an application that, through guided steps, will allow you to prepare your shipment of UN 3082 – ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. or UN 3077 – ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID, N.O.S. following the requirements of ADR Regulations (by road), IMDG (by sea) and ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations (by air). It provides information about the shipment of Environmentally Hazardous Substances in quantity not restricted or as dangerous goods fully regulated packed in combination packagings or single packagings. This application provides a reliable and complete guide to packing, labeling, and marking the package, filling in all required documents (ADR transport document, Multimodal, Shipper’s Declaration, and AWB), and defining the maximum quantities permitted by the Regulations of the mode of transport you want to use.
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.

ID8000 is an application that, through guided steps, will allow you to prepare your shipment of ID8000 – CONSUMER COMMODITY following the requirements of ICAO-TI/IATA Regulations (by air). It provides information about which goods to ship as ID8000 and a reliable and complete guide on the procedures for packing, labeling, and marking the package (the app shows an example of a package ready to be shipped), filling in all required documents and define the maximum quantities permitted. ID8000 is a numerical number that exists only for shipping by air (ICAO-TI/IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations).
To download it, access the market (Apple or Android) and search the word “SERPAC” and look for the logo of the ID8000 app like the one shown here. For more information about the app click here.