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Dispositions on markings: UN number and Proper Shipping Name

Depending on the type of packaging and on its capacity, there are specific provisions regarding the minimum dimensions of the markings (UN number or ID and Proper Shipping Name). With reference to the markings of packages and overpack, the minimum dimensions (h min) to use have been defined.

More specifically, according to the capacity of the packages or cylinders, the markings must have the following minimum dimensions:

  • - With a capacity superior than 30 L or 30 Kg: h min= 12 mm;
  • - With a capacity between 5 and 30 L or Kg: h min= 6 mm;
  • - With a capacity inferior or equal to 5 L or 5 Kg: h min= adequate dimensions.
  • - With a capacity in water superior than 60 L: h min= 12 mm;
  • - With a capacity in water inferior or equal to 60L: h min= 6 mm.

This provision refers to the UN number preceded by the letters “UN”, as indicated at paragraph of ADR 2017, RID 2017 and AND 2017 and at paragraph of the IATA 2019 manual.

Regarding the official shipping designation of the goods (Proper Shipping Name), there is no provisions indicating the minimum dimensions, but this mark must be easily visible and legible when required (see paragraph of the IATA manual and chapter subsections, and of ADR / RID / ADN and IMDG).
For cylinders with a water capacity not exceeding the 60 liters marked in accordance with the provisions of the ADR regulation but which do not comply with the requirements of or of concerning the size of the UN number and the letters “UN”, still be used until their next periodic inspection but not later than 30 June 2018.