Examples of IMDG placarding and marking
When shipping dangerous goods by sea it is necessary not only to placard and mark each single package but it is necessary to correctly placard also the unit of transport, as for example the container. “How to correctly mark the container?” According to the kind of goods and quantities, the labels, marks, placards and panels to use on the container will be different. To better understand how to proceed, let’s see some practical examples and solutions to prepare your container in compliance with IMDG regulations for the transport by sea.
Placarding/marking of container for package of dangerous goods IMDG by sea

Container transporting packaged dangerous goods of different UN number but to which only one class has been assigned or goods to which only one UN Number has been assigned and not loaded in excess of 4000 kg gross mass.

Container transporting packaged dangerous goods loaded in excess of 4000 kg gross mass to which only one UN Number has been assigned and which are the only dangerous goods in the cargo transport unit.

Container transporting packaged dangerous goods loaded in excess of 4000 kg gross mass to which only one UN Number has been assigned and which are the only dangerous goods in the cargo transport unit.

Container transporting dangerous goods packed in limited quantities. For goods in limited quantities that are also dangerous for the environment, the marine pollutant mark is no longer required (IMDG

Container transporting packaged dangerous goods of UN3082 loaded in excess of 4000 kg gross mass.

Container transporting packaged class 1 dangerous goods. The orange plate with UN number is not required for any quantity of class 1 goods. (see IMDG

Container transporting packaged dangerous goods of different UN numbers or goods with a subsidiary risk.

Container transporting packaged marine pollutant substance different from UN 3077 and 3082.

Container transporting fumigated goods or materials.