Sealing systems of UN-certified boxes

Before shipping dangerous goods, you better make sure that your UN-certified boxes are packed and sealed in the right way. A safe and effective sealing is fundamental to ship in compliance with the regulations. During the certification test, certain systems of sealing and specific types of tapes will be used: they must be the same that will be used in your daily activities of packing and preparation of shipments of dangerous goods. The same box can be UN-certified with different sealing systems. In order to use the right sealing system, you must check which was the system and the kind of tape used during certification tests. Here below you’ll find a sum-up of the main sealing systems used during UN-certification tests of our 4G and 4GV boxes, more details are to be found in the test report of the UN-certified packaging.
U-shaped sealing system
seal the box only once centrally.
H-shaped sealing system
seal the box with tape at its center and then on the short sides so as to seal any slit of the box.
HE-shaped sealing system
seal the box with tape at its center and then on the short sides so as to seal any slit of the box. Finally, add a further piece of tape between the central tape and the corners.
CROSS-shaped sealing system
seal the box with tape at its center both on the short and the long side.
HR-shaped sealing system
seal the box with three layers of tape at its center, each layer slightly offset. Then, one layer on all the short sides so as to seal any slit of the box. Finally use three pieces of tape put in parallel on the short sides.
HRE-shaped sealing system
seal the box with three layers of tape at its center, each layer slightly offset. Seal all the sides of the box. Add a further piece of tape between the central tape and the corner. Finally, use five pieces of tape put in parallel on the short sides.
2Us-sealing system
seal the box with two layers of tape at its center.
3Us-sealing system
seal the box with three layers of tape at its center.